Sunday 3 March 2013

Dear my sweet blog readers, 

     Today, i want to try do my task on my english communication 2. I want to share something that i learn in that class. 

        So, do u guys know about relationship? Some will think about their relation with family, friends, and someone that they love. But, which one you think is most valueable relationship to u? 

Well, for me. The most valueable relationship is with my family. I have father, mother, sister and brothers. I have 7 members in our family including me. Our relationship are so strong and for me there will not be complete if one of us are not together. We are so closed and sometimes, they like my best friend. I love to share with others about my awesome family. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. Even though sometimes there will be misunderstanding among us, but we take the best way to solve it with talk to each other and let discuss the problem. My parent can be a good example for us because, they though us since we are young and guide us to be a good childrens. We are taking care and respect each other. We feel so happy when we all spent time together. Since we all are now grown up and have our own future path, but we are not forgetting to give our time to going back to our hometown in Perak visiting our parent. Sometimes, when my parent have their free time, they always come to visit us. They also not forgeting to call us and ask about our life at our own place. They are so caring and make us feel like want to staying along with them. I think, family can be a best relationship ever. If u have this strong relation, keep it good and take care of it. Because, no more beautiful relationship than our relation with our own family. And for the last,
 i love my family so much and will love them forever..

-sorry for the grammar mistake. thanks for spent your time to read =)

Sunday 13 January 2013

My First SEMESTER at



 Meet my roomate, Muzdalifah. Hope satu bilik lg next sem. Leh tgk running man sme2 lagi. hehe ^^

 Kami nie geng time orientasi. Muz, Mira, Me, n Anna. Macam2 perangai kami buat time orientasi tu. Hehe, friends forever k.
 Love korg sgttt. ^^

Nie keadaan dalam dewan Muadzam Shah. Time nie orientasi. seriously, dewan konvo nie besar, dh mcm stadium je. Besttt sgt! 

Ini Ainan Tasneem. LOL. haha. Nie Anna Yana. Time nie kami g konsert Anuar Zain. Seriously, time Anuar je yg best. Yang lain. Hampeh. = =" 
Btw, Anna kwn yg superb. Love her! Thanks bnyk tlg aku. Mmmuah. =P

Time nie Hari 1 Malaysia. Aku jadi maskot. Seriously, buruk! aku x nafikan. But, still enjoy that night. 
*wink wink.

 Nie family Stingers. Sofbol Forever. I love them, seriously mereka terbaik. Hehehe ^^

Ini pulak, Family Aufa. Kumpulan Nasyid SME Bank. Time nie, kami juara. Well, berkat usaha praktis smpai tgh2 mlm la katakan.. huhu.. Thumbs up Aufa! ^^

Ini Group subjek kenegaraan. Best2 group nie.. sporting2 belakoo. huhuhu ^^

Yang nie Group Blok. Bising2 kat Blok D, Aras 2,  tu keje kami laaa.. Merekaaa nieee superbb sgt! Best dpt jiran tetangga cm dorg. Kecoh 24jam.. Hehehe ^^

Meet Annyss. Dia kawan yg giler2.. Hehehe. suka kawan ngn minah niee. Asyk nk puiiihh n shoot org je keje die. Hope, kte kwn smpai mati yee. Love you syg ^^

-------------------------------- <3 --------------------------------
Ouh, pada mereka2 yg sy xmention dlm nie, jgnlaa kecik hati.. saya x lupa korg.. Malah, saya semakin sayang korg.. Insyllh, ada jodoh kite jumpa lagi yee. 
Assalamualaikum. Love, MynaLyna.


Friday 2 November 2012

Mynalyna alive!

Hey guys. Hai, Hello, erkk. erkk.. Assalamualaikum.. =)

Okay, skrg nie myna cuba k tuk bergiat active dlm blog nie. Dulu ade je blog nie, tp x pnh nk update pn. Biasela, t'mls sikit dlm nk menaip2 nie. If b'ckp, laju jeeeee. hehe.
N y ttbe myna nk brsmngt pulak ngn blog nie? okay2. Nie citer die. Mmbe2 kt cini dok heboh nk wat blog, blog, blog n blog.  
Then myna pn trus t'ingt yg myna pon ada blog. Cuma, blog myna dl, penuh ngn cite lama. =(
Sooooo, myna nekad, buang cite lame, bukak cite baru n scr automatik, blog myna pon actve balikk r.. *hope actvelaaaa. Hehehe =p

Ok, Tu je stkt nie. Bye2. muahh*

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Friday 5 August 2011

Kolej Matrikulasi Perak